Semi-camp activities in Zasutowo

From 22 to 27 June 2009 on newly built sports field next to the school in Zasutowo there were sports semi camp for children from I-III classes of primary school and two groups for younger boys and girls. Pupils eagerly took part in the activities prepared and held by instructor and sports leaders. The activities were varied . there were games for children, row races, long jump, throws to the basket there was also some tactics and techniques of team games like football, volleyball, basketball, ringo, beach volleyball. Children could collect point by taking part in individual disciplines. At the end of the semi camp there was summary of the points, all the participants got diplomas and three best ones got medals.

The second week of holidays between 29.06. and 04.07. there was a semi camp for older pupils from IV-VI classes of primary school for boys and girls. The programmes of the activities was adjusted to the abilities and skills of the pupils. They willingly played football, volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, ringo, handball and long jump. The main aim of the activities was to spent free time in the open air. The sports leaders helped a lot during the activities.